Find Toxin Handlers in Your Area

Enter the first 3 digits of your zip code to find where TRI toxic chemicals are manufactured, processed, or otherwise used nearby.

Results will populate the table below on Submit.

# Facility Name Parent Company Address Reports
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All data is sourced from a public TRI Facility E.P.A. database. This project is in no way endorsed by, affiliated with, or sponsored by the E.P.A.


I love data and planet Earth. With the access to and analysis of data, I believe we can empower ourselves to make better decisions about safekeeping the world we belong to. Unfortunately, a lot of data is difficult to find and sometimes, even more, difficult is how to make sense of it all. But through the use of technology, we can both find and visualize patterns in publicly available datasets to learn more about the environment and community we live in- and that's what we have here.

This project specifically seeks to connect people with the information about businesses that handle TRI toxic chemicals in their area.

All information is sourced through the E.P.A.'s Open Data initiative which you can learn more about here.

The E.P.A. considers any chemicals listed in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program to be considered a TRI toxic chemical. But what do you have to do as a chemical to make the cut? As a chemical, you must cause one or more of the following:

  • Cancer or other chronic human health effects
  • Significant adverse acute human health effects
  • Significant adverse environmental effects

Currently, the E.P.A. maintains a TRI List that contains 787 individually listed chemicals sorted amongst 33 chemical categories. To learn more about the TRI List, see here.

Yes! And I am working on a solution to group results across multiple APIs on EPA IDs such that it may paint a more comprehensive picture of who, and to what degree, the toxin players are in your area. Stay tuned!

You can find the EnviroFacts database provided by E.P.A. here.